Executive Director
Datuk Dr Anis bin Ahmad
PhD. In Pharmacology (University of Bath, UK), MSc. in Pharmaceuticals Technology ( University of London ), Bachelor of Pharmacy ( University of Singapore)
Served 30 years in Malaysian Pharmaceuticals Services and retired Director of Pharmacy Department (Ministry of Health).
Chairman of YSP Berhad and sit on the board of various companies.

Executive Director
Raja Datuk Sharifuddin
Master of Business Administrations (Catholic University Lueven, Belgium), Bachelor of Agricultural Economics (University of New England, Australia) and PMD (Harvard Business School, USA).
Served 40 years with FELDA Group retiring as a Group Managing Director FELDA Holdings in 2005.
Currently sit on Board of KRZA, RAZA and RAZA Harta.

Executive Director
Daryani binti Mansor
Master in Accountancy (University Technology MARA), Bachelor in Accountancy, and Diploma in Accountancy.
Member of Malaysian Institute of Accountant.
Experience in financial accounting for more than 20 years.